The response provides a few convenience methods for you to work with the XML in any way you want.
Translates the response and returns the SOAP header as a Hash.
response.header # => { token: "secret" }
Translates the response and returns the SOAP body as a Hash.
response.body # => { response: { success: true, name: "luke" } }
Translates the response and returns it as a Hash.
response.hash # => { envelope: { header: { ... }, body: { ... } } }
Savon uses Nori to translate the SOAP response XML to a Hash. You can change how the response is translated through a couple of global and local options. The following example shows the options available to configure Nori and their defaults.
client = Savon.client do
# Savon defaults to strip namespaces from the response
strip_namespaces true
# Savon defaults to convert Hash key Symbols to lowerCamelCase XML tags
convert_request_keys_to :camelcase
end do
# Savon defaults to activate "advanced typecasting"
advanced_typecasting true
# Savon defaults to the Nokogiri parser
response_parser :nokogiri
These options map to Nori's options and you can find more information about how they work in the README.
Returns the raw SOAP response.
response.to_xml # => "<response><success>true</success><name>luke</name></response>"
Returns the SOAP response as a Nokogiri document.
response.doc # => #<Nokogiri::XML::Document:0x1017b4268 ...
Delegates to Nokogiri's xpath method.
response.xpath("//v1:authenticateResponse/return/success").first.inner_text.should == "true"
Returns the HTTPI response.
response.http # => #<HTTPI::Response:0x1017b4268 ...
In case you disabled the global :raise_errors
option, you can ask the response for its state.
response.success? # => false
response.soap_fault? # => true
response.http_error? # => false